The value of digital wallet system, and the meaning and characteristics of decentralized wallet?

What is the value of the NFT digital wallet system?

1. Can be treated as property. What we call wallet management is money management. The wallet system is equivalent to Yu’e Bao in Alipay. Under the interaction of the Internet, customers can directly complete operations such as transfer and collection.

2. Bypassing the third party, we may all encounter such a problem, that is, when the data of Ethereum and Bitcoin reach a certain online level, it will be very troublesome for the wallet to connect to the exchange. If the wallet system is directly connected to mainstream exchanges through the blockchain, it will greatly save time during transactions.

3. Extensive use of the entrance of the market. Decentralization is also a very sought-after word on blockchain. Many people think that with the wallet system in place, the future prospects of decentralized use of gas will be very broad, but in any case, the wallet system is inseparable.

The value of digital wallet system, and the meaning and characteristics of decentralized wallet?
digital wallet

What is a decentralized wallet?

In the decentralized wallet, the private key is kept in the user’s own hands, and the property is stored in the blockchain. The user is the holder of the real digital currency. A wallet is just a tool to help users handle assets on the chain and read data. Therefore, decentralized wallets are difficult to be hacked, and users do not have to worry about wallet service providers stealing or running away, because as long as you keep your private key when creating a wallet, your assets are still in the chain. The wallet will be displayed.

Decentralized wallet has three characteristics:

1. The decentralized wallet is only used as a wallet address to generate things and provide corresponding services. The wallet provider does not save the user’s private key or mnemonic information;

2. Every digital asset access and transfer data of the wallet can be found on the blockchain;

3. Users’ digital assets are stored on the blockchain instead of being handled by wallet service providers.

A wallet generally contains the following: public key, private key, mnemonic, keystore, and password; the content here is a bit brain-intensive. Essentially, there is a one-to-one correspondence between wallets and keys, and a fixed key can directly open your own wallet on the network. However, in order to prevent leaks during network transmission, cryptographers use asymmetric encryption techniques to create public and private keys. The public key is used for transmission and the private key is used for decryption. In short, we can think of the public key as the bank card number and the private key as the bank password.

Private key = keystore + password. The private key consists of 50 or 60 digits, including numbers and case-sensitive letters. In order to facilitate the transaction of digital assets, we can conveniently transfer digital assets through simple passwords and keystores. The memorial is an encrypted private key, basically a private key. They are created to facilitate keystore export.

The characteristics of decentralized wallets generally include three aspects:

1. The decentralized wallet is only used as a tool for generating wallet addresses and providing corresponding services. The wallet provider does not store the user’s private key or mnemonic.

2. The user’s property is not managed uniformly by the wallet service provider, but is held by the user himself and stored on the blockchain;

3. Every digital asset access and transfer data in the wallet can be found on the blockchain, which is traceable, safer and more reliable.

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