What should enterprises pay attention to when signing software development contracts?

Nowadays, many companies need software development, whether they are making Internet products or internal digital management systems, so they cannot avoid cooperating with software companies and signing contracts.

So, what should you pay attention to when signing a contract?

What should enterprises pay attention to when signing software development contracts?
Software development contract signed

Today, I will introduce to you what you need to pay attention to when signing a contract.

1. Define the required functions

Whether it is an Internet product or an internal digital system, the list of required functions must be specified in the contract. Otherwise, it will be a mess. If the two parties do not have a clear goal to develop, it is difficult to have a good cooperation result. Therefore, clarifying the required functions is the best. The core thing is that the list of functions must be clarified before signing the contract to avoid subsequent disputes between the two parties.

Second, clearly deliver the source code

After the software is developed for you to use, at this time you only have the right to use it, and it does not belong to you. Only when the source code of the software is delivered to you can you be considered to have mastered the ownership of the software. Even if you do not cooperate, you can find it and then upgrade it. Complete.

The above two points are more likely to cause problems when signing a software development contract. Of course, there are other elements, such as after-sales service, construction period, price, payment method, etc., which are essential to the contract.

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