Problems needing attention in APP development

Nowadays, there are batches of APP outsourcing companies emerging on the market, choose one to develop qualityIt is not easy to be a high-quality APP development company with good service quality. Because the market is mixed with good and bad people, there are many intermediaries under the guise of development companies, as well as studios or outsourcing development companies with immature technology.

So, what issues should be paid attention to when developing APP?

Problems needing attention in APP development
Notes on APP development

The following issues need to be paid attention to during APP development:

1. In the product demand stage, do a good job of positioning and planning functions

First of all, we should plan the function positioning for our APP. If we think well, what pain points the APP mainly solves, what are the main functions, and what other functions are there. In the product demand stage, we must think about the maturity in advance, make a list of product functions, and keep looking at it. After working with the development company, they often communicate with the development company, and finally determine the function through the review meeting.

2. When signing a contract, pay attention to the terms of service

When signing a contract, it is necessary to review the details of the contract, pay special attention to the payment node, leave a space behind, and attach the specific functions to be realized by the APP to the contract. And it depends on whether it includes terms such as after-sales service, which are especially important after product development.

3. During the development process, pay attention to control the acceptance node

There are still several links in the development of APP, and the node acceptance must be well controlled. After the product prototype development is completed, product review and acceptance should be carried out; after the UI design is completed, the UI design drawing is accepted; after the product development is completed, the project will be accepted.

Finally, when screening APP development companies, you should also pay attention: don’t look for the cheapest one. Although many outsourcing companies provide the cheapest, they can only find the cheapest developer to develop when the quotation is low. It is conceivable that the developed products can meet your requirements. Don’t look for a scale that’s too small, and don’t look for a time that’s too short to build. At present, there are quite a few leather bag companies engaged in APP development, so be careful of being deceived.

In addition, in the process of cooperating with the development company, it is also necessary to communicate and cooperate well. For example, items that need to be confirmed must be carefully confirmed. When Party A needs to provide relevant materials, it can provide them as soon as possible. Don’t think that everything will be fine after the product is handed over for development. This project is your own, so you should pay more attention.

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