Which development method should I choose for APP development? Outsource or build your own team?

With the advancement of mobile Internet technology, many companies plan to develop their own APP.

So before development, many companies will encounter a problem, that is, whether to find an outsourcing company or a self-built team to develop the APP.

Which development method should I choose for APP development? Outsource or build your own team?
APP development

Next, let’s analyze specific issues in detail. What kind of situation is suitable for finding an outsourcing company, and what kind of situation is suitable for self-built teams?

1. Look at the project launch time

If your project is not in a hurry to go online and the time is not in a hurry, you can slowly recruit interviews from product managers, UI designers, development engineers to test engineers, and form a development team with good skills, experience, and relatively stable, and strive to be refined and perfect. Polish this product.

However, if your project has a tight launch time and will be launched in two or three months, and you have no time or experience to recruit technical personnel and team integration, then an APP outsourcing company is very suitable for you.

Second, look at the budget cost

If your budget is sufficient, can maintain the entire product life cycle, can also afford the cost of team formation without causing pressure on operations, and can bear the waste of resource costs during later maintenance, it is more reliable to form a team by yourself. O&M and iterative upgrades will be more convenient.

However, if your start-up capital is limited and human resources are insufficient, it is recommended that you give priority to finding a reliable APP outsourcing company. It is best to have a case similar to your needs, especially a matching finished software. Because the finished software is very suitable for entrepreneurial companies, not only the initial investment cost is low, the time period is short, the framework is mature, and the business model has also passed the test of the market.

Third, look at the team situation

If your company itself is a technology-based company with rich experience in project management, can easily form a project development team or has the technical strength to develop projects handy, then forming your own development team is your first choice.

But if your company is full of operational talents who don’t understand technology at all, and it’s not a business-oriented company, sales are the main force, and technology is just an assistant. It’s very difficult to build a team from scratch.

In addition, you may not have the extra energy to manage the development team well, and your funds may not be able to support the high cost of self-built teams, so it is recommended to choose an APP outsourcing company.

Fourth, look at the frequency of post-maintenance

If the market and user needs of your company or product change frequently, and you expect that the content, new functions, or system upgrades will be frequently changed after the APP is developed (such as modifying the requirements in one week and adding a new function in two to three weeks), then Building a development team by yourself is the preferred choice.

However, if your app does not need to be changed frequently during the development process or after it goes online, it may only be slightly adjusted in a month or two, and it is usually just basic daily maintenance and updates, it is more suitable to find an outsourcing company.

The above is the specific analysis of the two APP development methods. How to choose should be determined according to the specific situation of the project. I hope it will be helpful to you!

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