When developing APPs, companies need to know what factors affect APP project development costs?

With the rapid development of the Internet, more and more companies are realizing the importance of websites and APP software, and are willing to spend money on website and APP development. When companies choose a software development company, they need to know what factors affect APP project development costs.

When developing APPs, companies need to know what factors affect APP project development costs?
Software development price

1. Functional requirements

The price of app development is like buying a house. The difference is that the structure, shape, materials, etc. of the house can be seen realistically. As a software, the core of the app is also composed of different functional modules.

If the functions that need to be developed are few and simple, such as news and information, and simple graphic and text information display, the cost of app development will be relatively low. If it is an e-commerce mall, involving transaction payment, products, orders, membership, event marketing, etc., there are many functional requirements, the development cycle is long, and the price is naturally high.

2. Development technology

App development technology is mainly divided into two types: native development and web development.

Native development is to develop using the development tools and development languages ​​officially launched by Android or Apple. The development cycle is long and the price is high, but the developed app has many functions, high performance and good user experience.

The web mobile app is equivalent to developing a web page and then adding it to the app shell. The development cycle is short and the price is low. However, the developed app has few functions, poor performance, is easy to get stuck, and has a poor user experience.

3. Development version

Because mobile phones are now mainly divided into two systems: Android and iOS. If you want to develop an app, you have to consider whether to develop one version or both versions. The cost of APP development is naturally different.

In addition to the Android or Apple client, the app also involves server database, operation management backend, mobile operation assistant, etc., which are also within the cost range.

4. Other factors

The price of App development is also affected by multiple factors such as region, consumption level, salary level, and development company experience.

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