What preparatory work should enterprises do in the development of APP?

If an enterprise wants to develop an APP mobile phone software, it is recommended to find a third-party APP software outsourcing company. There are many conveniences in comprehensive consideration. Compared with building a development team, finding an APP development company can save a lot of money and time. Cost, save time and effort , high efficiency and quality.

However, this precondition is that the project can only be started after a detailed communication with the development company. Therefore, it is very important to choose a professional and reliable APP software outsourcing company. A professional APP development company has professional solutions. , Solid development and design and technical professional pre-sales and after-sales service projects.

What preparatory work should enterprises do in the development of APP?
APP development

So, specifically in terms of APP development, what preparatory work should the enterprise do, and the necessary developers:

1. Preliminary preparations for APP development and design:

It is necessary to think about the key problems to be solved in the development and design of APP products, analyze the same industry in the market, analyze competitors, find out the advantages and disadvantages of products in the market, make a catalog of product functions, and do a good job in the overall planning of early functions; to carry out self-construction The R&D of the team or the selection of suppliers to realize the development and design, find a suitable development team, and do a good job in the early preparations for the development and design.

2. Personnel necessary for APP development and design:

1. Product operation, responsible for product demand communication, product prototype development and design, in order to have a deeper understanding of the problems to be solved by the equipment and the functions of the equipment, more communication is necessary. The customer itself is the largest product operation, and it is necessary to accurately grasp the user’s thoughts.

2. UI designer, mainly to complete the UI of the product prototype, a good UI designer, the design concept should meet customer satisfaction, and can make customers more aware;

3. Programmers, including IOS R&D engineers, Android programming technical engineers, background management technical engineers, etc., to ensure the logical code implementation of the device;

4. Software testing, in addition to professional testing engineers, customers + programmers + UI and other staff may also work together to check product bugs, check problems, and ensure the smooth completion of the device.

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