Shanghai APP Development Company – What are the advantages and disadvantages of each of the three mainstream APP models?

There are currently three mainstream APPs on the market: native APP, Web APP (i.e. HTML5) and hybrid APP. The corresponding customized development is native development, H5 development and Hybrid development.

Shanghai APP Development Company - What are the advantages and disadvantages of each of the three mainstream APP models?
APP development

So what are the differences between these three development models? Let’s differentiate and compare the advantages and disadvantages of these three:

1. APP native development

Native development (Native App development) is the use of provided development languages, development class libraries, and development tools for App software development on mobile platforms such as Android and IOS. For example, Android uses Java, Eclipse, and Android studio; IOS uses Objective-C and Xcode for development.

To put it simply, native development is like building a house. The foundation is laid first and then the floor beams, house structure, bricks and tiles, reinforced concrete, circuit directions, etc. are poured. After careful design. The same goes for native APPs: every page, every function, every effect, every logic, and every step is all written in code, layer by layer, and section by section.


1. Can access all functions of the mobile phone (such as GPS, camera, etc.) and achieve full functionality;

2. Fast running speed, high performance, and excellent user experience;

3. Supports a large number of graphics and animations, no lag, and fast response;

4. High compatibility, each code is carefully designed by programmers, generally there will be no crashes, and it can also prevent the emergence of viruses and vulnerabilities;

5. It is faster to use the interface provided by the device, which has an advantage in processing speed.


1. The development time is long, it can be completed in about 3 months at the fastest, and about 5 months at the slowest;

2. The production cost is high and the cost is high;

3. The portability is relatively poor. A native App must be developed separately for Android and IOS, and the same logic and interface must be written in two sets;

4. Content restrictions (App Store restrictions);

5. When you obtain a new version, you need to download the application update again.

2. Web APP (HTML5) development

Shanghai APP Development Company - What are the advantages and disadvantages of each of the three mainstream APP models?
H5 development APP

HTML5 application development is App development using Web technology.

Web technology itself requires the support of the browser for display and user interaction, so the main technologies used are HTML5, Javascript, CSS, etc.


1. It supports a wide range of devices and can be cross-platform. The code written can run on Android, IOS, and Windows at the same time;

2. Low development cost and short cycle;

3. No content restrictions;

4. Suitable for displaying pages with large sections of text (such as news, strategies, etc.) and rich formats (such as bold, diverse fonts);

5. Users can directly use the new version (automatic update, no need for users to manually update).


1. Due to the limitations of Web technology itself, H5 mobile applications cannot directly access device hardware and offline storage, so there are great limitations in experience and performance;

2. High networking requirements, no operations can be done offline;

3. Limited functions;

4. The APP response speed is slow and the page switching fluency is poor;

5. Pictures and animations are not very supportive;

6. Poor user experience;

7. The mobile phone hardware (camera, microphone, etc.) cannot be called.

3. Hybrid APP development (native + H5)

Hybrid development (Hybrid App development) refers to a hybrid application that uses native and H5 development technologies in order to improve efficiency and save costs when developing an App product.

In layman’s terms, this is the model of a web page, which usually consists of two parts: “HTML5 cloud website + APP application client”.

Hybrid development is a development model that learns from each other’s strengths and complements its weaknesses. The native code part uses Web View plug-ins or other frameworks to provide containers for H5. The main business implementation and interface display of the program are all made use of H5 Relevant Web technologies are implemented. For example, apps such as, Taobao, and Toutiao are all developed using hybrid development models.


1. High development efficiency and time saving. The same set of codes can basically be used on both Android and IOS;

2. It is more convenient to update and deploy. Every time you upgrade the version, you only need to upgrade it on the server side, and you no longer need to upload it to the App Store for review;

3. Code maintenance is easy, version updates are fast, and product costs are saved;

4. It has more functions than the web version;

5. Can be run offline.


1. Functions/interface cannot be customized: all content is fixed, and the interface cannot be changed or functions added;

2. Slow loading/high network requirements: All hybrid APP data needs to be retrieved from the server, and each page needs to be downloaded again, so the opening speed is slow, the network usage is high, and the buffering time is It is long and may easily offend users;

3. The security is relatively low: the codes are all old codes from the past and are not well compatible with the new mobile phone system, and the security is low. The network is developing so fast and there are so many viruses. , if it is not updated in real time and checked regularly, loopholes may easily occur and cause direct economic losses;

4. It is difficult to find high-end talents who understand both native development and H5 development.

The above are the advantages and disadvantages of native development, H5 development and hybrid development.

In contrast, as the personalized needs of modern people become more and more obvious, more and more native APPs are developed, and customized services can better meet the needs of consumers. .

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