Shanghai software development-What should you pay attention to when looking for an outsourcing company for APP development?

If a company wants to develop an APP and form its own team, the cost is very high, so most companies will find outsourcing companies to develop, which is a wiser choice. At the same time, there are many issues that need to be paid attention to. You can take a small notebook and write down what you should pay attention to when looking for an outsourcing company to develop an APP!

Shanghai software development-What should you pay attention to when looking for an outsourcing company for APP development?
APP development

Issues that need attention in APP development outsourcing:

1. Avoid ambiguity in interface design and functionality

When matching the APP interface design and functional requirements, we must inform the software outsourcing company in detail about the specific requirements of the APP. The clearer the requirements, the more the final effect will be consistent with yours. requirements. For example, in page design, if you want to say “elegant”, the designer may not understand what you want to be “elegant”. The correct approach is, what color do I need as the main color, what color do I need as the auxiliary color, etc. , which can save a lot of time and energy in APP development.

2. Before signing a contract, stability and scalability features must be clearly discussed

In addition to the main functions, more derivative functions must also be explained to the APP development company once and for all. Do not mention them slowly after the contract is signed. This will lead to increased costs and development The dealer may also charge additional fees.

3. Third-party expenses incurred must be clearly defined

a. Application fee for software copyright (only for property rights protection, necessary documents for listing the APP on the Android Market. Party A is responsible for this fee, and Party B can assist in the application)

b. The cost of the server (basically provided by Party A, the first year’s cost can also be included in the price of the APP. If you don’t know how to buy it, you can ask the outsourcing company to assist in purchasing it. Generally They are all bought from the two largest stores)

c. The cost of text messages (basically provided by Party A, not all-inclusive, used to send verification codes, generally buy text messages from wherever the server is purchased, small The company’s text messages may leak customer information)

d. Third-party payment application and docking fees (basically provided by Party A, not all-inclusive, WeChat payment is 300 per year to Tencent, Alipay payment and third-party and four-party payment All are free, and there is a handling fee for payment. Among them, WeChat and Alipay have lower handling fees)

e. Whether you use a paid third-party SDK (that is, some rapid integration tools used in development, but some are charged, usually on an annual basis. For example, live broadcast requires video streaming And traffic package, the online customer service software required by the app, these are all discussed in advance)

4. Follow upapp outsourcing development progress

It is necessary to follow up the development progress of the APP in a timely manner. Regular APP development outsourcing companies will provide a development schedule before development. According to the schedule, follow up the development situation in a timely manner, so that you can keep in mind That’s the bottom line.

5. Maintenance services after launch

When looking for an APP development company, look for one that provides after-sales maintenance. During later testing or online operation, if a bug occurs, you can find the development company to solve it in time, which will reduce a lot of troubles. Necessary trouble.

In general, APP development is not a simple matter. It needs to be planned in advance, problems that may arise at any time must be solved during the development period, and it must be maintained and operated after it is launched later. Keeping the above points in mind can help you avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble when working with outsourcing companies.

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