Is blockchain development particularly difficult?

Blockchain will become a new technology that will change the future. It is hard to find high salaries for blockchain technicians. Is blockchain development particularly difficult?

Is blockchain development particularly difficult?
Blockchain development

In fact, the technology of blockchain development is not too difficult. The difficulty lies in changing the original concept of development and adding the design idea of ​​blockchain decentralization.

Changing development thinking is the biggest difficulty. Unlike traditional development, which focuses on service-oriented development, blockchain development is ledger- and transaction-oriented. The main indicator of developers is no longer high-availability and high-concurrency applications, but switching to user-oriented terminal program development that focuses on user-friendliness and development scalability. The core indicators of blockchain terminals become security, scalability, and friendliness.

Blockchain talents are scarce, and high salaries are hard to find. Taking the blockchain practitioners in Shanghai as an example, it is conservatively estimated that the number is around 400-500. Assuming that half of them are developers, there are more than 200, which is far from enough for market demand. Blockchain can be developed in any existing language, but since C++ is currently only partially required in the financial and game fields, there are not many C++ engineers, especially even fewer high-level C++ engineers. As an emerging language, Go has a strong momentum of development, but the ecology of Go is not as big as that of Java. From the perspective of Java, the blockchain cannot yet make use of its ecology.

Insufficient experience of developers is also a major difficulty. Blockchain is an interdisciplinary subject, and experience in all aspects of engineering practice is very much needed. In terms of practice, blockchain practitioners need to understand both technology and financial business. This requires relatively high quality personnel, and correspondingly fewer people meet the standards. There will be deviations in the understanding of each blockchain technology system. Blockchain technology, which covers many aspects such as decentralization, trustlessness, sharing economy, distributed computing, and distributed storage, is a test of the thinking and learning ability of technical personnel.

Blockchain technology and concepts are changing with each passing day, which also requires high development time. If it cannot be developed in a short time, it is possible to miss this trend. Closed-door development may come to a dead end. How to maintain part of the energy to update the knowledge system while ensuring the development progress is a big challenge for developers.

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