A brief introduction to the applet development process

Many companies are deploying their own online products in small programs, including e-commerce, travel, catering, office and other industries, because the small program does not need to be downloaded and can be used by scanning the code, which is easier to promote and use, and easier for users to accept Applets.

A brief introduction to the applet development process
Small program development process

How are applets made? Next, briefly introduce the applet development process.

1. Demand research

The customer has the idea of ​​developing an online platform for consultation. The small program development company will sort out the needs and confirm them according to the usage scenarios and expected goals. Through repeated communication and confirmation, the required functions will be clarified. After the required functions are clarified, the next step of business can be carried out docked.

2. UI design

After the requirements and functions of the applet are clarified, UI design will be carried out next. Design the interface of the applet according to the requirements and functions and confirm with the customer, mainly to confirm whether the business process and interface style meet the requirements, and then proceed to the next development work after confirmation.

3. Front-end and back-end development

The front-end makes the mini-program interface and interaction effects, and the back-end develops the corresponding interface services. After the development is completed, the front-end and back-end are jointly debugged to ensure the normal use of the overall functional process of the mini-program.

4. Review and release

The developed mini-program needs to be submitted to WeChat for review. After the review is passed, it can be published. After the release, it will be an official version of the mini-program. Users can scan the code, share, official account columns, official account articles, etc. The way to use the applet.

The above is the small program development the process, I hope to help you.

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