How to charge for mini program development?

Many companies don’t know how to charge when developing small programs. During the consultation process, there are time-based fees and one-time fees. I don’t know how to choose.

How to charge for mini program development?

So, how is the specificsmall program development charged? Next, let me introduce to you:

Before talking about charging, let’s talk about the development method of small programs. The development methods of small programs in the industry include SaaS templates and customization. Different development methods have different charging methods.

Small program saas template development

The saas template is charged annually

In essence, it is a small program developed in advance, with fixed functions, and then an account is opened for you to use, and the fee is paid according to the number of years of use. The functions you can use are all fixed in the template. If you have personalized needs for the small program , such as data docking with the internal system, if the gap between the interface or function and the template function is too large, then this template method is not recommended.

Mini program custom development

This way of customization is to charge according to the actual needs of customers

The software company evaluates the development workload based on the clear functions, and then calculates the development cost. This is like buying things. You pay for as many as you buy. This is a one-time fee that can satisfy any customer needs. Personalized demand function.

To sum up, how to charge a small program mainly depends on the specific development method adopted. Different development methods have different charging forms.

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