Shanghai mini program mall development and development costs

Original title: Taizhou Mini Program Mall Development, Taizhou Mini Program Development Cost

Shanghai mini program mall development, Shanghai mini program development cost

The goal of WeChat becoming a way of life has been achieved. It can be said that WeChat is already an independent ecological kingdom in the mobile Internet. Now, WeChat needs to use mini programs to collect offline traffic! Whether it is online traffic or offline scenarios, WeChat mini programs are completely attractive to offline retail stores. So, which is the best mini program developer in Shanghai?

Many friends are curious about mini program development. Today we will briefly introduce to you the process of making mini programs in Shanghai.

The biggest advantage of using the template in the mini program creation tool to complete the construction is that it is fast and low-cost, ranging from a few hundred to a few thousand. This is currently the focus of many catering business merchants. It is relatively efficient, accounting for about 80%, and is generally suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises.

For those who have not registered to apply for the mini program, they need to apply for registration and certification of the mini program on the public platform. The specific procedures for registering the mini program can be found directly on the public platform.

Taizhou Mini Program Mall Development, Taizhou Mini Program Development CostShanghai Mini Program Mall Development , Shanghai mini program development costs

Taizhou mini program mall development, Taizhou mini program development costs

Taizhou Mini Program Mall Development, Taizhou Mini Program Development Cost

After the mini program is certified, you can develop the mini program. The main purpose of the mini program is to build a mini program mall. You can choose to do customized mini program development; you can also choose to do mini program template development.

For custom development of mini programs, you need to find a professional mini program development company to communicate your needs and then develop them.

If you are developing a small program template, you can do it directly in the [Code Element]

Register a [Code Element] account and enter the backend ‘Add Mini Program Mall’ to build your own mini program mall to sell goods.

Taizhou Mini Program Mall Development, Taizhou Mini Program Development Cost

There are a large number of templates in the ‘Marketing Center’ -> ‘DIY Decoration’ of [Code Element]. After selecting the template you like, load the template customization settings page, upload products, set up related marketing activities, etc.

Taizhou Mini Program Mall Development, Taizhou Mini Program Development Cost

Taizhou Mini Program Mall Development, Taizhou Mini Program Development Cost

Taizhou Mini Program Mall Development, Taizhou Mini Program Development Cost

After setting up the mini program page, product upload, marketing activities, etc., just save it.

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