Electronic coupon applet development, function list

With the popularity of mobile Internet, more and more people are beginning to use mobile phones for shopping, ordering and other consumer activities. In order to attract users and increase sales, many merchants have launched electronic coupon mini-programs. So, what are the functions of electronic coupon applet development?

Professional Mini program development company Lanchang Informationtechnology will be introduced to you, and the development functions of the electronic coupon applet will be introduced in detail.

1. Registration and login functions

When users use the electronic coupon applet for the first time, they need to register and bind their mobile phone number or WeChat account. After successful registration, users can quickly log in using the bound account. In addition, it can also provide third-party platform login functions (such as WeChat, QQ, Alipay, etc.) to facilitate users to quickly enter the mini program.

2. Coupon inquiry and management functions

1. Coupon list: Displays the list of coupons that the user has received, including coupon name, face value, validity period and other information. Users can check the usage conditions and restrictions of coupons to plan their consumption reasonably.

2. Search function:Users can quickly find eligible coupons by entering keywords or filtering conditions (such as category, merchant, etc.).

3. Coupon usage reminder: When a coupon is about to expire or has expired, the system will send a reminder notification to the user to guide the user to use it in time.

Electronic coupon applet development, function list

4. Coupon archiving function: Merchants can archive and save infrequently used coupons to avoid too many coupons taking up user space. Users can view and use archived coupons themselves when needed.

3. Product browsing and purchasing functions

1. Product classification navigation: Provide users with corresponding navigation entrances based on product categories (such as clothing, food, home furnishings, etc.) to facilitate users to quickly find the products they are interested in.

2. Product details display: Display detailed information about the product, including pictures, prices, specifications, reviews, etc., to help users understand the true condition of the product.

3. Add to shopping cart: Users can add their favorite products to the shopping cart for easy viewing and management at any time.

4. Order payment: Supports multiple payment methods (such as WeChat payment, Alipay payment, bank card payment, etc.) to meet users’ payment needs. At the same time, it provides order confirmation, delivery address management and other functions to facilitate users to perform order operations.

5. Order status tracking:Users can check the delivery status, receipt status and other information of the order at any time to ensure the smooth progress of the shopping process.

4. Personal information and customer service functions

1. Personal information management:Users can view and modify their personal information (such as name, phone number, address, etc.) to ensure the accuracy of the information.

2. My Favorites: Users can add favorite products to their favorites for easy search and purchase in the future.

3. Customer service: Provide online customer service function to help users solve problems encountered during the shopping process. At the same time, you can also set up feedback channels to collect users’ opinions and suggestions to continuously optimize the mini program experience.

5. Activities and discount push function

1. Promotion push:Merchants can regularly push promotional information to users according to their own marketing strategies to guide users to participate in interactions and increase sales.

2. Message notification: When a user participates in an event or obtains a new coupon, the system will send a message notification to the user to remind the user to check and use it in time.

Through the development of the above five functional modules, the electronic coupon applet can bring users a convenient shopping experience, while also helping merchants increase sales and brand awareness. In the future, with the continuous advancement of technology and changes in market demand, the electronic coupon applet will continue to be upgraded and improved to provide users with more personalized and intelligent services.

For more information about mini program development, or if you want to know about mini program development costs, please contact Lanchang customer service

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Infocode Lanchang Information Technology Co., Ltd. has successfully provided high-quality services to many Fortune 500 companies and other famous brands, and is your reliable Internet development supplier.

Serving customers throughout Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Tianjin, Qingdao, Nanjing, Ningbo, Suzhou, Wuxi, Xiamen, Chongqing, Xi’an and other large and medium-sized cities and regions. We provide you with: WeChat development, H5 Development, mini program development, H5 outsourcing, H5 mall development, mini program mall development, website development outsourcing, H5 game development, mini program development outsourcing, mini program design, APP development outsourcing, UI design, SEO optimization, SEO outsourcing, video post-production and other high-quality services

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