What is the cost of website optimization keywords?

Website optimization has become an important way for enterprises to obtain traffic, and enterprises will first consider cost issues when optimizing.

So, How much is the cost of website optimization keywords? Next, let’s analyze it together.

What is the cost of website optimization keywords?
The cost of website optimization keywords

The keyword ranking cost of seo optimization should be considered in combination with the weight of the website itself and the selected keywords, so as to know the cost of website optimization keywords?

1. Keyword index

Different keyword indexes will affect the cost of keywords. Generally speaking, the indexing of keywords is directly proportional to the cost. The higher the keyword index, the higher the cost.

2. Keyword competition

Different industries have different keywords, but among various industries, it is impossible that there are no non-overlapping industries. Therefore, this will lead to fierce competition in the same industry, which will lead to the need for more time and effort to optimize to the original position, and finally increase the cost.

3. Different locations and different costs

For example, different shops on the same street will have different rents due to their specific location, which is also related to the available exposure. Coincidentally, there are only 10 positions on the Baidu homepage, and the time and energy spent on optimization for ranking first and other positions are completely different. Therefore, the more advanced the optimization, the higher the cost may be.

4. Number of keywords

The cost of website optimization keywords is related to the number of keywords, the more keywords, the more cost. However, vertically and horizontally, it is recommended that a page can be optimized for three keywords, so that costs can be reduced and energy can be concentrated on optimizing the selected keywords.

Are website optimization companies expensive?

In the process of mobile Internet marketing, there are various optimization companies, but each optimization company will set its price according to its own technical level and service model. At the same time, the quotation of the optimization company will also be determined according to the situation of your website:

Charge according to keyword index; calculate according to monthly fee; calculate according to annual fee, etc.; optimize company quotation.

However, no matter which offer is relatively cheap compared to SEM bidding advertisement promotion.

Because, once the keyword optimization ranking rises, it will be charged according to the number of user clicks, and the cost is as low as a few cents.

Therefore, enterprises hope to improve the ranking of the website through keyword optimization. We can charge according to the keyword effect, that is, to complete the optimization ranking of keywords within a specified time. If not, the enterprise can apply for a refund unconditionally. Additionally, we can do the following:

1. It can effectively dig out high-quality keywords that meet the user’s search habits, and use conventional methods to arrange the keywords on the homepages of major search engines.

2. It can help enterprises reduce costs, promote websites, and improve the authority and brand influence of enterprises in network marketing.

3. It can mine users’ search habits and needs and hobbies, so that enterprises can better discover and solve user needs, lock accurate target customers, and thus obtain high-quality traffic and orders.

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