How to Update WeChat Developer Tools

WeChat Developer Tool is a very important development tool for developing WeChat-related applications such as Mini Programs and Official Accounts. With the continuous update and upgrade of WeChat developer tools, developers can enjoy more complete and powerful functions, improving development efficiency and quality. So, how to update WeChat developer tools? Let’s introduce it in detail.

How to Update WeChat Developer Tools

There are two ways to update WeChat developer tools: automatic update and manual update.

1. Automatic update

WeChat developer tools support automatic updates. When a new version is released, the developer tools will prompt automatic updates. The specific operation steps are as follows:

1. Open the WeChat Developer Tools, enter the menu bar, and select “Help” – “Check for Updates”.

2. If there is a new version released, a prompt box will pop up, just click the “Update Now” button.

3. After the download and installation are complete, restart the WeChat developer tools to use the latest version.

2. Manual update

If the developer tool does not have an automatic update prompt, you can also update it manually. The steps to manually update are as follows:

1. Open the WeChat developer tools, enter the menu bar, select “Help” – “Download the latest client”.

2. Enter the official website of WeChat Developer Tools, select the latest version of the client on the download page, and click the “Download” button to download.

3. After the download is complete, double-click the installer and follow the prompts to install it.

4. After the installation is complete, restart the WeChat developer tools to use the latest version.


Whether it is automatic update or manual update, it is very simple and easy. Developers only need to follow the steps above. Updating the WeChat developer tools can provide a better user experience and more powerful functions. It is recommended that developers update in a timely manner.

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