Why do WeChat mini programs need content operation support?

Why do WeChat mini programs need content operation support?

After many enterprises and individual merchants have developed mini programs, they find that in the process of operating mini programs, they need to create various types of content to attract users on the WeChat platform and then introduce them into mini program malls. After all, mini program malls are more Most of the functions are to intuitively sell goods or carry out some marketing activities. For current Internet users, although mini programs are easy to use and can purchase at discounts, they lack an “introduction point” for selling products through mini programs. This is very difficult at this time. It needs to be operated through content, so why do we need the “blessing” created by content operation? The editor will analyze it in detail from the following aspects.

Why do WeChat mini programs need content operation support?
WeChat Mini Program

1. Users like intuitive and real “feelings”

Need to use: video, graphic content

When WeChat platform users can use the video account content created by merchants or the graphic content of official accounts, they are more likely to be attracted by such content, and there will be no certain psychological disgust among users. At the same time, we can continue to create high-quality content Continuously accumulating fans of your own products will build a “private traffic” with a certain user base. When accumulated to a certain extent, the traffic conversion in the mini program mall will be stable.

2. Give users on-site “trust” in the product

In addition to allowing users to feel product features and product content more intuitively, the most important thing is that merchants can use live video or subscription content to create a one-stop sales model for users. For example, users can use live video content to share information about merchant products. The production and product delivery processes can be displayed to allow users to feel the authenticity of the purchased products and thus create a sense of trust in the merchants. This is also an important step in improving conversions.

3. Add “links” to product sales channels

At the same time, under the content of the video account or public account, we should not forget that we can also associate and promote the products sold in the mini program mall. If users are interested in the product when watching relevant content, they will actively click on the product link, thereby By placing an order, this adds a new sales channel to the mini program, and when the content is of high enough quality, users will forward it to WeChat friends or Moments, which will trigger fission and transformation.

Therefore, if a merchant wants to run a successful WeChat mini program, it is very necessary to use the “blessing” of content operations to improve the conversion of the mini program to several levels.

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