How does the medical industry use WeChat mini programs?

How does the medical industry use WeChat mini programs?

In recent years, the medical and health industry has undergone earth-shaking changes in the traditional medical model with the help of WeChat mini-programs. Compared with traditional medical consultations, medicines and other medical services, patients need to go through long “queuing” to complete, which is undoubtedly a waste of time. However, with the launch of the medical health WeChat mini program, it has become more convenient and faster for patients to queue up to pick up medicines, to queue up to get a number, and for patients to pay. So specifically, how does the medical industry operate WeChat mini programs? Let me take you through it below.

How does the medical industry use WeChat mini programs?
WeChat Mini Program

1. Realize online registration: it is difficult to change the registration number

We all know that the registration of famous doctors in many large hospitals can be said to be “difficult to get a number.” Even if you queue up to register in the morning, you may face the situation that the number has been filled. After the medical integration of the WeChat applet, the difficulty of getting a number will be solved. Online appointment registration allows you to make an appointment in advance according to the doctor you want to register with, and you can get the doctor you want to see without queuing up for registration.

2. Realize online medical treatment: changing the difficulty of medical treatment

In the traditional medical model, patients are required to open a medical card in the hospital. This process undoubtedly makes the patient’s medical treatment much more complicated. The medical WeChat applet simplifies the medical treatment process and can realize online card opening and offline consultation before arriving at the hospital. The process of medical treatment makes it no longer difficult for patients to go to large hospitals for medical treatment.

3. Implement online payment: change the slow payment process

In the traditional medical model, patients need to queue up to get medicine, get medical tests, and pay for hospitalization. This has to make patients spend a lot of time in the hospital to see a doctor. The medical WeChat applet directly solves the one-stop problem of getting medicine, For laboratory tests and hospitalization payments, patients only need to pay relevant fees for different service contents through medical mini-programs, eliminating the hassle of queuing. In recent years, the medical and health industry has revolutionized the traditional medical model with the help of WeChat mini-programs. Compared with traditional medical consultations, medicine collection and other medical services, patients need to go through long queues.

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